

Full details of all add’s options can be found with wr add -h.

Once the manager has been started, you can add the commands you want to get executed to the manager’s queue by using the add sub-command.

The simplest usage would be to place all the commands you need to execute in to a text file, 1 command per line, and then:

wr add -f commands.txt


-f defaults to ‘-’, which means read from STDIN, so you can also pipe commands in, which can be a quick way of adding a single command, eg:

echo "myexe --arg a" | wr add

However, it would be best if you also specified additional information, which are discussed in the following sections.

wr add returns as soon as the jobs get successfully added to the queue, and it tells you how many jobs were added. They will get scheduled and executed at some point in the future, when the manager is able to find space amongst your computing resources.

To prevent corrupted outputs, wr does not let you run the exact same command more than once simultaneously, so if you try to add a command that is already in the queue, it will not be added again. You also won’t be able to add a command to the queue that you previously added to the queue and that completed successfully. If you need to re-run a previously completed command, you’ll need to specify --rerun.


For just adding a single command, you can use the --sync option to instead wait until the manager is able to get the command to either succeed or fail, whereupon wr add will exit with your command’s exit code.

Working directory

By default, wr will create a unique sub directory in the directory you run wr add in, and execute your command from inside there. Also by default, when your command finishes running, the unique sub directory will be deleted.

This is to aid isolation of your commands, so they don’t interfere with each other if you have many running simultaneously, and to clean up any temp files your command creates. $TMPDIR will be set to a sister directory of the created sub directory and deleted regardless of your cleanup options. It also lets wr track how much disk space your command uses. Finally, you can use the change_home option to set $HOME to the working directory.

It does mean, however, that you need to specify any paths in your command line using absolute paths, and any final output files you want to keep need to be created in or moved to an absolute location (and you’ll need to be careful that multiple of your commands don’t write to the some absolute final output location).

Alternatively, you can specify --cwd_matters, and your command will run directly from the directory you wr add from (or the one you specify with --cwd). You can then use relative paths. But there won’t be any automatic cleanup or disk space tracking. $TMPDIR and $HOME will be unchanged.


The commands you add have an identifer called a ‘rep_grp’, short for report group. This is an abitrary name you can give your commands so you can easily manipulate them later (eg. get the status of particular commands, or modify them, or kill them etc.).

If you don’t specify a rep_grp with the -i or --rep_grp option, then it defaults to ‘manually_added’.

It will be useful to you if you carefully consider a unique rep_grp to apply to sets of similar commands, that is made up of sub-strings shared with related commands.

For example, imagine you had a 2 step workflow designed to do the job of ‘xyzing’ your data, that first ran an executable foo on a particular input file, then ran another command bar using foo’s output as its input.

If you then had input files ‘1.txt’, ‘2.txt’ and ‘3.txt’, you could add the commands for this workflow using rep_grps like:

echo "foo 1.txt >" | wr add -i 'xyz.step1.input1' --cwd_matters
echo "foo 2.txt >" | wr add -i 'xyz.step1.input2' --cwd_matters
echo "foo 3.txt >" | wr add -i 'xyz.step1.input3' --cwd_matters
echo "bar >" | wr add -i 'xyz.step2.input1' --cwd_matters
echo "bar >" | wr add -i 'xyz.step2.input2' --cwd_matters
echo "bar >" | wr add -i 'xyz.step2.input3' --cwd_matters


In reality, it would be more efficient to add all these commands in one go, and you’d also need to specify Dependencies for this to work properly.

With this arrangement, you now have the flexability to manipulate eg.:

  • a single job: -i 'xyz.step2.2'

  • all the step 2 jobs: -i 'xyz.step2' -z

  • all the jobs that manipulated input 2: -i 'input2' -z

  • all the jobs in the xyz workflow: -i 'xyz' -z

Resource Usage

To make the most efficient use of your available hardware resources, you should specify how much time, memory, disk and CPU your commands will use. With this knowledge, wr will be able to schedule as many of your commands as possible to be run at once, without overloading any particular machine.

--memory and --time let you provide hints to wr manager so that it can do a better job of spawning runners to handle these commands. “memory” values should specify a unit, eg “100M” for 100 megabytes, or “1G” for 1 gigabyte. “time” values should do the same, eg. “30m” for 30 minutes, or “1h” for 1 hour.

--cpus tells wr manager exactly how many CPU cores your command needs. CPU usage is not learnt.

--disk tells wr manager how much free disk space (in GB) your command needs. Disk space reservation only applies to the OpenStack scheduler which will create temporary volumes of the specified size if necessary. Note that disk space usage checking and learning only occurs for jobs where cwd doesn’t matter (is a unique directory), and ignores the contents of mounted directories.


By default, wr will assume 1GB memory, 1hr, 0GB disk and 1CPU per command.

However, it will typically be the case that you don’t really know how much resources your commands will use, so you can start off with a rough guess.

The manager will then learn how much memory, disk and time commands in the same --req_grp actually used in the past, and will use its own learnt values unless you set an override. For this learning to work well, you should have reason to believe that all the commands you add with the same req_grp will have similar memory and time requirements, and you should pick the name in a consistent way such that you’ll use it again in the future.

For example, if you want to run an executable called “exop”, and you know that the memory and time requirements of exop vary with the size of its input file, you might batch your commands so that all the input files in one batch have sizes in a certain range, and then provide a req_grp that describes this, eg. “exop.1-2Ginputs” for inputs in the 1 to 2 GB range.


Don’t name your req_grp after the expected requirements themselves, such as “5GBram.1hr”, because then the manager can’t learn about your commands - it is only learning about how good your estimates are! The name of your executable should almost always be part of the req_grp name.

req_grp defaults to the first word in your cmd, which will typically be the name of your executable.

--override defines if your memory, disk or time should be used instead of the manager’s estimate. Possible values are:

  • 0 = do not override wr’s learned values for memory, disk and time (if any)

  • 1 = override if yours are higher

  • 2 = always override specified resource(s)


If you choose to override eg. only disk, then the learned value for memory and time will be used. If you want to override all 3 resources to disable learning completely, you must explicitly supply non-zero values for memory and time and 0 or more for disk.)


If your command exits non-0, --retries defines how many times it will be retried automatically until it succeeds.

Automatic retries are helpful in the case of transient errors, or errors due to running out of memory or time (when retried, they will be retried with more memory/time reserved).

Once this number of retries is reached, the command will be ‘buried’ until you take manual action to fix the problem and press the retry button in the web interface or use wr retry.


By default, there will be 3 retries.

When a command fails, if there are retries remaining, before the command is run again there will be a delay, and the length of the delay depends on the number of attempts so far, increasing from 30s by a factor of 2 each attempt, up to a maximuim of 1hr. The delay time is also jittered by up to 30s, to avoid the thundering herd problem.

--no_retry_over_walltime defines a time which if a command runs longer than and fails, it will be immediately buried, regardless of the “retries” value. This is useful for commands that might fail quickly due to some transient initialization issue, and would likely succeed if retried, but are always expected to fail if they get past initialization and then fail. The default value of 0 time disables this feature and jobs will always retry according to --retries.


You can influence the order that the commands you add to the queue get executed using the --priority option.

This defines how urgent a particular command is; those with higher priorities will start running before those with lower priorities. The range of possible values is 0 (default, for lowest priority) to 255 (highest priority).

Commands with the same priority will be started in the order they were added.


However, that order of starting is only guaranteed to hold true amongst jobs with similar resource requirements, since your chosen job scheduler may, for example, run your highest priority job on a machine where it takes up 90% of memory, and then find another job to run on that machine that needs 10% or less memory - and that job might be one of your low priority ones.


By default, the manager will try to get all the commands you add to the queue running at once, assuming there is enough capacity in your compute environment. That means if have a command that should only run after another command has succeeded, and you add both to the queue, the manager could end up running them at the same time, and the latter would presumably fail.

To construct a proper workflow where some commands only start running after certain others have completed successfully, you can specify dependencies. wr’s dependency group system will let you form any directed graph.

In brief, simply specify a “parent” command as belonging to one or more --dep_grps, then your dependent “child” command can be specified as being dependent on one of more --deps. For example, to have an exe2 command depend on an exe1 command:

echo "exe1 /ins/ > /outs/a.1out" | wr add --dep_grps exe1.a
echo "exe2 /outs/a.1out > /outs/a.2out" | wr add --deps exe1.a

You could add these both in quick successession or even at the same time, but the second command would not start running until the first has exited 0.

For an in-depth look at dependencies, see Basics </advanced/dependencies.

Environment variables

When you add commands to the queue, if you add them on the same machine that you started the manager on, your current environment variables will be captured and replayed when it comes time to execute the commands.

When the manager is remote to you, the environment variables your command will see will be those that were on the execution host when the user wr runs at logged in to it.

You can override these environment variables by setting --env, where the value is a comma separated list of key=value strings. Eg.:

echo "echo $FOO $OOF > /out/file" | wr add --env FOO=bar,OOF=rab

Would output “bar rab”, regardless of your current enviornment or if you were local or remote to the manager.


Normally the commands you add are run directly on the hosts in your available compute resources. This means that any executables in your command lines need be installed on all hosts.

To ease installation concerns and achieve consistency between deployments in different compute environments, it is often preferable to have your executables inside containers.

wr provides the convenience options --with_docker and --with_singularity to make working via containers simpler.


You can only use one or the other, and for them to work you will need docker or singularity respectively installed and in your $PATH on all hosts.

Both options take the name or location of an image, create a container running that image (pulling it first if missing), then pipe your command in to the container’s shell.

They both also mount your job’s working directory in to the container, and set that directory as the working directory inside the container. In addition, they both obey the --container_mounts option to mount additional paths inside the container.

They differ on how they handle environment variables:

  • with_docker ignores all your environment variables, except for those you explicitly set with --env, which will be available inside the container.

  • with_singularity sets all your environment variables inside the container, behaving like a non-container job.

For with_docker, behind the scenes, when wr comes to execute your command, it actually does something like:

cat your_cmd.txt | docker run --rm --name [wr_job_internal_id] \
    -w $PWD --mount type=bind,source=$PWD,target=$PWD \
    [--mount type=bind,source=[...]],target=[...]] \
[-e env_you_overrode] \
    -i [your image] /bin/sh

For with_singularity, behind the scenes, when wr comes to execute your command, it actually does something like:

cat your_cmd.txt | singularity shell [-B [...]]:[...] [your image]

The resource usage of your command running in a singularity container will be captured in the normal way. However for docker, the docker API will be used to get the resource usage of the container with the unique –name that wr sets.

If you need to use different docker or singularity options, then you can just specify your command as a complete docker/singularity command line and not use with_docker/singularity.

If you do use your own docker command line, specify --monitor_docker with a value corresponding to your –name or –cidfile. This will let wr capture your container’s resource usage.


If the monitor_docker value contains ? or * symbols and doesn’t match a name or file name literally, those symbols will be treated as wildcards (any single character, or any number of any character, respectively) in a search for the first matching file name containing a valid container id, to be treated as the –cidfile.

If the special argument “?” is supplied, monitoring will apply to the first new docker container that appears after the command starts to run. NB: in ? mode, if multiple jobs that run docker containers start running at the same time on the same machine, the reported stats could be wrong for one or more of those jobs.

NB: does not handle monitoring of multiple docker containers run by a single command. A side effect of monitoring a container is that if you use wr to kill the job for this command, wr will also kill the container.

Example usage (note the difference in behaviour for environment variables):

$ export NAR=jar
$ touch ~/foo/foo.file
$ touch ~/bar/bar.file
$ cd ~/emptydir
$ touch cwd.file

$ echo 'echo $FOO $OOF $NAR > docker; ls *.file >> docker; ls /foo >> docker; ls /bar >> docker' | wr add -i docker -r 0 --cwd_matters --with_docker alpine --env FOO=bar,OOF=rab --container_mounts /home/ubuntu/foo:/foo,/home/ubuntu/bar:/bar
$ more docker
bar rab

$ echo 'echo $FOO $OOF $NAR > sing; ls *.file >> sing; ls /foo >> sing; ls /bar >> sing' | wr add -i sing -r 0 --cwd_matters --with_singularity library://sylabsed/linux/alpine --env FOO=bar,OOF=rab --container_mounts /home/ubuntu/foo:/foo,/home/ubuntu/bar:/bar
$ more sing
bar rab jar


By default, the manager will try to get all the commands you add to the queue running at once, assuming there is enough capacity in your compute environment, and dependencies have been met.

If you have a command that interacts with some limited resource (eg. a database with a maximum number of client connections allowed), you can tell the manager to limit how many of those commands to run simultaneously by placing them in the same limit group.

--limit_grps is a comma separated list of arbitrary names you can associate with a command, that can be used to limit the number of jobs that run at once in the same group. You can optionally suffix a group name with :n where n is a integer new limit for that group. 0 prevents jobs in that group running at all. -1 makes jobs in that group unlimited. If no limit number is suffixed, groups will be unlimited until a limit is set with the wr limit command.


Use wr limit to change your limits after adding jobs.

For example, if you had a database that only allowed 100 connections, but you had 1000 different commands that needed to access the database, you could put all 1000 commands in a text file and then:

wr add -f db.cmds --limit_grps 'mydb:100'

The manager would only schedule up to 100 of these commands to run at once. If you had commands that accessed both your database and a very slow archival disk that could only handle 5 writes at once, you could:

wr add -f archive.cmds --limit_grps 'mydb,archive:5'

The manager would schedule none of these jobs until the first 905 database-only jobs in this example had completed, then would only run 5 of these archive jobs at once. If you then added more database-only jobs before these archive jobs completed, 95 of them would run at once, alongside the 5 archival jobs.


You can associate certain behaviours with the commands you add. Behaviours are triggered when your command exits, and run from the same working directory.

There are 3 variations on the trigger:


Behaviours trigger if your command exits non-0.


Behaviours trigger if your command exits 0.


Behaviours trigger when your command exits, regardless of exit code. These behaviours trigger in addition to and after any on_failure or on_success behaviours.

Behaviours are described using an array of objects, where each object has a key corresponding to the name of the desired behaviour, and the relevant value. The currently available behaviours are:


Takes a boolean value which if true will completely delete the actual working directory created when cwd_matters is false (no effect when cwd_matters is true). This behaviour is by default turned on for the on_exit trigger.


You can disable the default cleanup behaviour by saying --on_exit '[]'


Takes a string command to run after the main cmd runs.


Takes a boolean value which if true means that if the cmd gets buried, it will then immediately be removed from the queue (useful for Cromwell compatibility).

For example --on_exit [{"run":"cp warn.log /shared/logs/this.log"},{"cleanup":true}] would copy a log file that your cmd generated to describe its problems to some shared location and then delete all files created by your cmd.

S3 mounts

If your command needs input or output files in an S3-like object store, it will be convienent and probably faster and more efficient to use wr’s built-in high-performance S3 fuse mounting capability. (As opposed to manually downloading or uploading files with another tool.)

For details on how to use S3 with wr, read this guide.

Your mounts will be unmounted after the triggering of any behaviours, so your “run” behaviours will be able to read from or write to anything in your mount point(s). The “cleanup” behaviour, however, will ignore your mounted directories and any mount cache directories, so that nothing on your remote file systems gets deleted. Unmounting will get rid of them though, so you would still end up with a “cleaned” workspace.