
For an example of using wr to do some real work in an OpenStack+S3 environment, this walkthrough shows how you would carry out the “Worked Example” given at the bottom of

Prerequisites: A linux machine that has API access to an OpenStack environment and that can also reach an S3-like object store which is also accessible within that OpenStack environment. s3cmd (or some other tool capable of creating buckets) also needs to be installed on your linux machine.

Install wr

First install the latest version of wr on your local linux machine:

mkdir wr
cd wr
curl -s -L | egrep -o '/VertebrateResequencing/wr/releases/download/v[0-9\.]*/' | head -n 1 | wget --base= -q -i - -O



Create a standard ~/.s3cfg file with your S3 credentials in it, if you don’t already have one. It might look like:

access_key = YOURACCESSKEY
secret_key = yoursecretkey
encrypt = False
host_base =
host_bucket = %(bucket)
use_https = True


Ask your S3 administrator for the correct values to fill in here. (The host_* values in the example above are only suitable for use within the Sanger Institute).


You will need the set of OS_* environment variables defined; these provide the credentials for accessing your OpenStack system. If you don’t already have these defined, ask your OpenStack administrator for details on how to access your “Horizon” web interface to OpenStack, for which you’ll need a user name and password.

Once logged in, go to the “Project” tab, then the “API Access” tab. From there click the “Download OpenStack RC File” button. If given a choice, pick the highest version Identity API file. Transfer this file to your linux machine if necessary and source it. This might look like:

source ~/[projectname]

It might ask you to enter the same password you used to log in to the web interface.

Having sourced the file, the necessary OpenStack environment variables will be available to wr when it needs them later.


wr’s default configuration values may be good enough, but you should ask your OpenStack/ system administrator if there are any DNS IPs you should use in particular, or if you should only use certain OpenStack “flavors”. You also need to be aware of the names of images that are available in your OpenStack installation, and of the username needed to log in to them.

Since all of these installation-specific things typically don’t change, it is convenient to set the appropriate values in wr’s config file.

Start by saving a default config file to where wr will find it:

wr conf --default > ~/.wr_config.yml

Then look through it and edit any values as necessary. For example, you might change these ones:

cloudflavor: "^[mso].*$"
cloudflavorsets: "s2;m2;m1;o2"
clouddns: ",,"
cloudos: "bionic-server"
clouduser: "ubuntu"
cloudram: 2048


These example settings are suitable for use at the Sanger Institute, but likely not anywhere else.

Now when wr creates OpenStack instances for you, they will by default be running your Ubuntu bionic-server image, have at least 2GB of ram, only use flavours that start with one of the letters ‘m’, ‘s’, or ‘o’, and use the given IP addresses to resolve DNS requests.

Prepare S3

If you don’t already have a “bucket” (root folder) to store your data in S3, use a tool like s3cmd to create one, eg.:

s3cmd mb s3://mybucket

Note that bucket names need to be globally unique and its best if you stick to just letters and numbers (avoid any punctuation characters).

You could at this point use s3cmd again to upload the input data needed for the workflow later, but you should test upload performance from your local linux machine to S3 compared to from an OpenStack instance to S3.

Since it could be faster to upload data from within OpenStack (it is at the Sanger Institute), we’ll do our input data uploads using wr later on.

Deploy wr to the cloud

./wr cloud deploy

This command will create all the necessary cloud resourcess in OpenStack for you, including a network, security group, security key and 1 initial server, on which wr is installed and wr’s queue manager is started. It gives you a URL you can visit in your browser to see wr’s status web interface. It also gives you the IP address of the OpenStack instance it created.

Figure out how to install your desired software

Before we can run our analysis, we will need to install our analysis software on the OpenStack instances that wr brings up. In our case, we need samtools and bwa.

First ssh to the instance that wr created for us, using the ip address it told us about:

ssh -i ~/.wr_production/cloud_resources.openstack.key ubuntu@[ipaddress]

Now check to see if our default image happens to have our software already installed:

which samtools
which bwa

If these don’t return paths to the executables, you’ll have to figure out how to install the software, and make note of what you did. For samtools and bwa, these commands worked on the image I was using:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y gcc make autoconf zlib1g-dev libbz2-dev liblzma-dev libncurses5-dev
wget ""
tar -xvjf samtools-1.4.tar.bz2
rm samtools-1.4.tar.bz2
cd samtools-1.4
sudo make install
rm -fr samtools-1.4

wget "" -O bwa-0.7.15.tar.bz2
tar -xvjf bwa-0.7.15.tar.bz2
cd bwa-0.7.15
sudo mv bwa /usr/local/bin/
rm -fr bwa*

Record all these commands in a file on your local linux machine, eg. by putting them in a text file called


Alternatively, if it is a time consuming install process, you might use Horizon to create a new image based on this OpenStack instance, that you’d specify later on during wr add with the --cloud_os option instead of using the --cloud_script option this walkthrough will talk about.)

Or you could see if your desired software was available in a container and use an image with eg. docker correctly installed and configured, and alter the subsequent commands in this tutorial as appropriate for running your software from within docker.

Exit from the OpenStack server:


Now, just to demonstrate that this will work when you haven’t ssh’d to an OpenStack instance to manually install software, destroy all the OpenStack resources previously created by the deploy:

./wr cloud teardown

And then deploy again to get to a fresh state where neither samtools nor bwa have been installed:

./wr cloud deploy

Add your commands

At it’s heart, wr is a job (command) queue. You add jobs to its queue, and then wr does whatever is necessary to run your jobs on the available compute resources. In our case, having done a cloud deployment, that means wr will spawn new OpenStack instances (picking the cheapest flavor capable of running the command) to run the commands we queue up, and then when the commands complete wr will terminate those instances (known as auto scaling up and down).

In this walkthrough we have some samtools and bwa commands we want to run against some input data. The input data along with some of the intermediate files produced along the way to the final output files could be useful in the future, so we’d want to keep them. Because of this we can think of our work as being formed of multiple steps:

  1. Store one of the input fastq files in S3

  2. Store the other input fastq file in S3

  3. Store reference fasta file in S3

  4. Produce a samtools reference index and store in S3

  5. Produce a bwa reference index and store in S3

  6. Align the pair of fastqs from steps 1&2 with bwa mem (using the index from step 5), sort with samtools, convert to cram with samtools (using the index from step 4), store the results in S3

Steps 1, 2 and 3 are independent. Steps 4 and 5 can only proceed once step 3 has completed. Step 6 can only proceed once steps 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 have completed.

To achieve this workflow we will make use of wr’s dependency features, along with its built-in S3 mounting capability.

In production it would be better to generate the more complicated wr add JSON and specify all your commands in one go, but for this walkthrough we’ll break this out in to 6 separate calls to wr add so we can use the simpler command line options. You do not have to wait for one step to complete before adding the command for the next; just do all 6 adds in quick succession and watch the progress on the status web page (or use ./wr status).

Add the command for step 1 (the curl download is wrapped in a perl system call since our use of head for demo purposes actually results in the pipe from curl through to head breaking, which wr would regard as a failure):

echo "perl -e 'system(q[curl -sS | gzip -d | head -100000 > SRR507778_1.fastq]) && die'" | ./wr add -i uploads -g curl -e SRR507778.fastqs.upload --mounts 'uw:mybucket/fastq/SRR507/SRR507778'

To explain the options given to ./wr add:

  • -i uploads is purely for display purposes: this command will show on the status webpage under the ‘uploads’ heading.

  • -g curl lets us specify a resource requirements group on which wr’s resource usage learning will act. The next time we add any command with this same -g, wr will take in to account the actual resources used when it ran previous commands with that -g. We choose a name that we think we could use again on future commands, and that is specific enough that those future commands are likely to have the same resource requirements.

  • -e SRR507778.fastqs.upload lets us specify a dependency group. Other commands (such as our step 6 command, see later) will be able to refer to this group name to become dependent on commands with this group having completed.

  • --mounts gives us a convenient way of specifying a particular S3 remote “sub-directory” (S3 is an object store and doesn’t really have directories, but we can pretend it is like a normal POSIX filesystem with wr) as the working directory the curl command will run in. The first character ‘u’ means ‘uncached’, the second character ‘w’ means ‘writeable’, and the desired bucket and sub-directory comes after a colon. In this example we try to emulate the directory structure of the ftp site we’re copying the fastq file from; note that these “directories” don’t have to actually exist in our S3 bucket beforehand.

Similarly, add the command for step 2:

echo "perl -e 'system(q[curl -sS | gzip -d | head -100000 > SRR507778_2.fastq]) && die'" | ./wr add -i uploads -g curl -e SRR507778.fastqs.upload --mounts 'uw:mybucket/fastq/SRR507/SRR507778'

Add the command for step 3, changing the remote “sub-directory” and -e option as appropriate:

echo "curl -sS | gzip -d > ref.fasta" | ./wr add -i uploads -g curl -e yeast.ref.upload --mounts 'uw:mybucket/refs/saccharomyces_cerevisiae'

Add the command for step 4:

echo "samtools faidx ref.fasta" | ./wr add -m 4G -i indexing -g samtools.faidx.yeast -e samtools.faidx.yeast -d yeast.ref.upload --mounts 'uw:mybucket/refs/saccharomyces_cerevisiae' --cloud_script
  • -m 4G is our way of specifying that we think samtools faidx might need 4GB of memory to run. (If wr learns and knows better it will ignore this.)

  • -g samtools.faidx.yeast is so specific because we imagine that running faidx on a yeast-sized genome might take different amounts of time and memory than running it on other species.

  • -e samtools.faidx.yeast will allow us to depend on our yeast reference having been indexed both in step 6 and in the future should we add any commands that also need this index file.

  • -d yeast.ref.upload is how we specify that this command should wait until step 3 completes.

  • --mounts specifies the place we uploaded the reference fasta to in step 3.

  • --cloud_script will result in this command only running on an OpenStack server that had this script run when it booted up; wr will create a new server and run the script on it if necessary.

Similarly, add the command for step 5:

echo "bwa index ref.fasta" | ./wr add -m 4G -i indexing -g bwa.index.yeast -e bwa.index.yeast -d yeast.ref.upload --mounts 'uw:mybucket/refs/saccharomyces_cerevisiae' --cloud_script

Finally, add the command for step 6:

echo "bwa mem ref.fasta SRR507778_1.fastq SRR507778_2.fastq | samtools sort -O bam -l 0 -T /tmp - | samtools view -T ref.fasta -C -o SRR507778.cram -" | ./wr add -m 4G -i step6 -g bwatocram.yeast -d "SRR507778.fastqs.upload,samtools.faidx.yeast,bwa.index.yeast" --mounts 'ur:mybucket/fastq/SRR507/SRR507778,cr:mybucket/refs/saccharomyces_cerevisiae,uw:mybucket/crams/SRR507' --cloud_script
  • We don’t bother setting an -e option since no commands in our workflow depend on this. Though, perhaps we ought to plan for the future and imagine that we might want to add commands that do depend on this, in which case we should add an -e option after all.

  • -d "SRR507778.fastqs.upload,samtools.faidx.yeast,bwa.index.yeast" is how we specify that this command should wait until steps 1, 2, 4 and 5 complete (and by implication, step 3).

  • The --mounts option here multiplexes 3 of our S3 bucket “directories” together, so that our command sees the contents of all them in its working directory. The first is our fastqs directory, which is read-only. The second is our reference directory, also read-only and this time cached because we know our command will read the indexes and reference files multiple times. The third is our separate output directory, where we specify ‘w’ for writeable. Any writes that our command carries out will end up in this S3 directory. (Reads could come from any of the directories, preferring those paths specified earliest.)

You’ll note that (depending on the speed of spawning another OpenStack instance) steps 1, 2 and 3 run simultaneously while steps 4, 5 and 6 wait in ‘dependent’ state until their dependencies complete, before they too start to run. If you see commands ‘pending’ they are waiting for new OpenStack servers to be created.

wr will learn how much memory step 6 actually takes, so the next time you add a command with -g bwatocram.yeast -m 4G, it will consider the real value instead of 4GB (unless you also set -o 2), and potentially run the command on a cheaper flavor.

Once complete, if you don’t plan on doing any more work soon, teardown so you’re not wasting resources:

./wr cloud teardown

Confirm that your result cram is available:

s3cmd ls s3://mybucket/crams/SRR507/