Nextflow is a workflow runner like wr. You might want to use it because of its easy to write and powerful DSL which can describe workflows in a sharable format. wr, on the other hand, has no native workflow description language; instead you figure out what commands you want to run as part of your workflow yourself, and add them to wr.

While nextflow has comprehensive support for a wide variety of platforms on which to execute your workflows, there is room for improvement in 2 areas:

  1. When using an LSF cluster, Nextflow does not create job arrays, nor does it re-use job slots. This means on a contended cluster, there may be efficiency issues, and your jobs may take time to get scheduled. Each time one of the processes in your workflow completes, you may have to wait again before the next one is scheduled.

  2. Native OpenStack support has not been implemented. The Kubernetes support can be used instead, but this does not support S3, and so you must also set up shared storage for Nextflow state. Furthermore, there are no satisfactory solutions for easily deploying a kubernetes cluster in OpenStack that can auto scale up and down, meaning resources may be wasted while your workflow does little or when it has completed.

wr has excellent LSF and OpenStack support, solving the above issues.

Thus, it is desirable to have Nextflow use wr as an execution backend to run your Nextflow workflows in an LSF cluster or in an OpenStack environment (which has an S3-compatible object store available).

Support for wr in Nextflow is via the nf-wr plugin. You can use it by installing Nextflow in the usual way (requiring the Java 11 JRE), then specifying the nf-wr plugin and executor. A complete installation and usage on a basic Ubuntu image might look like this:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install openjdk-11-jre-headless unzip -y
unzip && rm LICENSE
./wr manager start
curl -s | bash
export NXF_EDGE=1
./nextflow self-update
NXF_VER=22.02.0-edge ./nextflow run nextflow-io/hello -plugins nf-wr@1.2.0-rc.2 -process.executor wr
./wr status -i nextflow -z


The plugin is only compatible with Nextflow >= 22.02.0; if you already have this version or higher, you don’t need to specify the NXF_VER=22.02.0-edge or do the export NXF_EDGE=1 and self-update.

Getting Started

For Nextflow to use wr, it must be able to communicate with wr, which means knowing what machine wr is running on, what port it is listening to, and what security token and certificate to use.

If you start (wr manager start) or deploy (wr cloud deploy) wr from the same machine that you will run Nextflow, and use wr with it’s default settings, Nextflow will be able to guess all the details, so you just need to configure Nextflow to use wr, either on the command line as outlined above, or by adding to your nextflow.config:

plugins {
    id 'nf-wr@1.2.0-rc.2'

executor {

If you’re running wr in the ‘development’ deployment, change the executor block to:

executor {
    wr {

If you’ve configured wr to use a specific non-default managerweb (eg. 46408), or a non-default managerdir (eg. /shared/disk/.wr), (or non-default managertokenfile or managercafile) then change the above to:

executor {
    wr {


Both wr and Nextflow, by default, use some disk space in your home directory. If that is full, you can configure wr’s managerdir to be somewhere else (ideally an ssd, avoiding lustre if performance is a concern, though NFS is fine), and change the capsule cache directory used by Nextflow with export CAPSULE_CACHE_DIR=/a/disk/with/enough/space.

Using it with LSF

From your LSF head node, start wr in LSF mode:

wr manager start -s lsf

Since Nextflow itself has quite significant memory requirements, you may need to run Nextflow via LSF. Since that means Nextflow will run on some unknown machine and not the machine that wr is running on, you must configure the endpoint correctly. When wr starts it tells you that it started on a certain IP:port, and where the web interface can be reached, which features a port in the address. The endpoint to set will be the IP (or hostname of your LSF head node, if you know that) and the web interface port.

For example, if wr manager start -s lsf tells you:

> INFO[07-04|09:50:44] wr manager v0.18.1-37-g16f06e0 started on, pid 23469

> INFO[07-04|09:50:44] wr's web interface can be reached at https://localhost:46408/?token=QBM9zH0bNhV6OZdreKi1BI5DTq72kdWN0Vgaw3bvzF0

Then your nextflow.config should contain:

executor {
    wr {

Now you can submit your nextflow job as normal, eg:

bsub -o run.o -e run.e -q yesterday -M 8000 -R 'select[mem>8000] rusage[mem=8000]' "./nextflow"
tail -f run.o

Using it with OpenStack

From your local machine, deploy wr to OpenStack. If you don’t have your OpenStack image set up to mount a shared disk, you’ll also need a working s3 setup. The rest of this guide assumes the S3 case, but you can ignore the S3-related advice if using a shared disk.

If you will be using Docker or Singularity containers, or your workflow relies on any other software to be installed, you will also need to to tell wr to use an image you have created that has this software installed, or tell wr to run a script that installs the software on some standard image at boot up time. Make sure that Docker’s default network does not interfere with the network that wr will create or any other needed network.

If you want to use Singularity containers, this is more complicated than Docker since the images must exist at the same absolute local path on the machine you run Nextflow from, and the machine where the process actually runs. wr will autoscale by creating new instances within OpenStack to run processes as necessary, so while Nextflow may download an image locally, it will not be available on any newly created instance, and processes will fail. One way around this is to pre-download all your required images and store them in S3. Then use a script with wr that mounts this S3 location, eg.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y build-essential git libfuse-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libxml2-dev mime-support automake libtool pkg-config libssl-dev git
git clone
cd s3fs-fuse/
./configure --with-openssl
sudo make install
mkdir /home/ubuntu/singularity_cache
s3fs -o url= -o endpoint=us-east-1 -o sigv2,noatime,rw,uid=1000,gid=1000,umask=0002,allow_other mysingularitybucket /home/ubuntu/singularity_cache


In the future, wr cloud deploy may have an option to mount a bucket for you, making this much easier. Get in touch if you’d like this feature sooner rather than later.

Deploy using your desired image and/or script, and mention any config files your script might need (~/.s3cfg is copied over by default, but if following the above example, we also need ~/.passwd-s3fs for s3fs):

source ~/my_openstack.rc
wr cloud deploy -o ubuntu-with-my-software -s --config_files '~/.s3cfg,~/.passwd-s3fs'

Now wr will create instances within OpenStack that run your image and mount your singularity bucket.

The next step is to configure Nextflow with your S3 details, and enable docker or singularity if desired. Following the above example where we mount a singularity bucket, nextflow.config would look like (in addition to the plugins and executor blocks for wr):

docker.enabled = false

singularity {
    enabled     = true
    autoMounts  = false
    cacheDir = '/home/ubuntu/singularity_cache'

aws {
    accessKey = 'MYACCESSKEY'
    secretKey = 'mysecret'
    client {
    endpoint = ''
    signerOverride = "S3SignerType"

Your workflow should specify inputs and outputs as being in S3. An example being:

#!/usr/bin/env nextflow

Channel.fromPath('s3://bucket/inputs/*.input').set { inputs_ch }

process capitalize {
    file x from inputs_ch
    file 'file.output' into outputs_ch
    cat $x | tr [a-z] [A-Z] > file.output

    .println{ it.text }

Finally, run Nextflow from the same machine that you did the deploy from, being sure to specify that your working directory is in S3:

./nextflow -w s3://bucket/nextflow/work

If following this Singularity example where the cachDir is specified as /home/ubuntu/singularity_cache, this will fail if your local machine does not have that directory (eg. because it is not an Ubuntu machine). Instead you can ssh to the instance that wr first creates during the deploy (it prints out instructions on how to do this ssh), and run nextflow directly within OpenStack. If doing this, be sure to set the endpoint in your nextflow.config back to localhost, eg. endpoint='https://localhost:46408'.

Because wr will create the smallest instances possible to run your workflow processes, and also run processes on the first instance where wr (and perhaps Nextflow itself) is running, it’s important that your workflow specifies how much CPU, RAM and disk each process uses. Otherwise you could end up filling the first instance and killing wr, Nextflow or the whole instance’s Operating System.

You can avoid this possibility completely by adding the --max_local_ram 0 option to your wr cloud deploy command. This will prevent any workflow commands running on the same instance as wr. But your processes themselves may still fail if they try to use more RAM or disk than the instances they are run on have. So do take the time to add conservative resource usage specifications to your workflows. Consider adding 10 more GB of disk space than you think your process needs, since the Operating System itself will use some of the space.

Once your workflow has completed, you can use something like s3cmd ls -r s3://bucket/nextflow/work to see all your files. It is not recommended to use publishDir in your workflow if at all possible, because S3 does not support symlinks, and so a copy will be forced, which both takes time and doubles your S3 quota usage for your final files.

When you’ve competed all your workflows, you can clean up by running wr cloud teardown.

Servers can go “bad”

When executing your workflow, wr may create new OpenStack servers on which to run your Nextflow processes. However it is possible for these servers to go “bad”. Going bad means they can no longer be ssh’d to. This could be due to a temporary networking issue, or it could be because the server has crashed.

Because the problem might only be temporary, wr initially only tells you about the issue (on its status webpage), but lets the servers continue to exist and assumes processes are still running on them.

If you did nothing, you could end up with lots of bad servers that can’t run any processes, while wr thinks it is running all those processes, and so you may find nothing is actually running anymore.

There is, however, an --auto_confirm_dead option that defaults to 30 mins, which will destroy “bad” servers that remain bad for 30 mins, freeing up resources and letting wr create new healthy servers on which to run your processes. If you notice this happening a lot, you may wish to increase the number of minutes to allow yourself more time to investigate why your servers keep going bad. (It will likely be due to one of your nextflow processes using too much memory or disk space.)